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Sunday, December 12, 2010



There are an estimated 1,966,514,816 Internet users as of june,
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If you would like to see what I'm up to on a daily basis, stop by @ this blog, where I share my new findings and ideas to all my viewers......
















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Sunday, November 28, 2010



Find MLM articles with 100 percent original content and NO rehashed MLM pablum. A GOOD article is hard hitting, straight to the point, and in your face. But its HELPFUL. 

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You see, most articles cranked out in MLM ezines today are about the same old dried over, beaten up stuff about getting a burning desire and building an 'exploding' business in MLM. The three-foot rule.

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Friday, November 26, 2010



Statistics indicate that the vast majority of MMA battles go to the ground at some point during the match.
So, practitioners should be trained enough to be as skillful at defending and attacking even when they are on the canvas The first step of ground fighting is to actually take your enemy to the ground. A few effective techniques like hip throws, leg trips and tackles can help execute this.
The subsequent step is to have power over your opponent to always be on the advantageous side of the match.
To finish him totally, submit your opponent with strikes, joint locks or chokes

About Muay Thai

Formal Muay Thai techniques are divided into two groups: mae mai or major techniques and luk mai or minor techniques. Muay Thai is often a fighting art of attrition, where opponents exchange blows with one another. This is certainly the case with traditional stylists in Thailand, but is a less popular form of fighting in the contemporary world fighting circuit where the Thai style of exchanging blow for blow is no longer favorable. Almost all techniques in Muay Thai use the entire body movement, rotating the hip with each kick, punch, elbow and block.

About Brazilian Jujitsu

With Brazilian jujitsu you enjoy an extra mechanized power to surrender your opponents when still on the floor. The acknowledgement for this kind of fighting goes out majorly to the Gracie family from Brazil, while the origin goes back to the Japanese grappling martial arts. You’ll find many techniques that happen to be common for both jujitsu and judo and this is certainly the explanation why challengers are switching over to MMA. Brazilian jujitsu permits a fighter to submit an opponent with joint locks or chokes.
With the practitioner’s back on the ground and the contenders on top of them, such techniques can be accomplished from numerous positions.

Info on Submission Wrestling

Submission wrestling is a term normally used to describe jujitsu when practiced without a gi (traditional uniform). This sort of form is more attuned with MMA as the dressing style worn complements with the one in MMA tournaments.
Without having the long sleeves and pant legs of the gi, submission wrestlers ought to conform their techniques so they can grapple devoid of holding on to their opponent’s clothes. Catch wrestling, a western style of grappling is a different term of submission wrestling.

Greco-Roman Wrestling

Amongst numerous MMA fighters, Greco-Roman wrestling appears to have been put into practice throughout the world. This form of combating is constrained in its strategies, yet shows you excellent takedown skills and defense. Its Greco-Roman wrestling that teaches a practitioner as to how can he restrain his counterpart while he him self is put in the clinch position or in top position on floor.
An MMA fighter with mastery over all these techniques can regulate wherever the fight takes place, and usually has the advantage during the match up.

Sambo and Judo

In judo, one takes advantage of leg trips and hip throws to have an opponent on the ground. This form also allows you the choice of employing chokes and joint locks to surrender an opponent. MMA has proficiently adapted judo, even so its practiced with a gi today.
Sambo, a sport from Russia is widely recognized for its joint locks, especially leg locks. Many fighters in Russia take advantage of sambo techniques while on the ground to finish a fight faster. Sambo is, in a number of ways alike MMA.The form integrates striking with grappling and is a suitable form to study for mixed martial arts training.

Training in MMA and searching for professional quality training guide? Visit our information and review site to see the latest best training gude

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Web camera software detects movement, sounds alarm, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

I'm using camera application. I
can broadcast Online video to watch my home
from anyplace.

Web camera software senses movement, triggers alarm, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by email

With my new

webcam application
, I can run a streaming webcast
of my room visible from the Internet. This opens up a number
of opportunities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today's world. I can use
this webcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to see what's going on in my home
at any time from a remote watching pc.

As long as I have the webcam
running and a remote computer with Internet access, I can view the home.
With the software and the webcam, I can change the options to capture video,
detect movement (if I don't want to keep the camera running at all times),
or use a mixture of a online feed and recorded video to realize a protection
system that takes full benefit of novel technology.

With a capture card,
I can easily transmit appropriate video and screenshots to use on
any computer.

With delicate data on my station
and priceless property in my site,
it only makes sense to have a protection setup that I can monitor whenever I feel that my privacy
is being compromised. If I owned a small business or lived with roommates, I couldn't imagine
living without it.

Broadcasting online video and sound from capture card
through webcamera server application

Streaming online video and sound from capture device through camera computer software

Surveillance software

If you find yourself with a need to record surveillance video with a camera over an area,

computer software

may be the right choice for you. Using this application, it is possible to set up a
camera to detect activity and begin recording once it does.

Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the camera may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video
needs to be accessible off-site, can be broadcast using the server's broadcasting
function to a webpage.

Depending on the quality of the camera and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition television signal.
Using a install like this, it is possible to provide a measure of protection for an area while
the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security business or setting up a professional monitoring system.


do-it-yourself approach

can save money while not compromising on protection.

New professional security software works with
any webcamera, Internet cameras, and major capture cards.

Webcam software identifies activity, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email

Security application

has become so sophisticated that the normal
user who has been busy minding his business instead of pouring over electronics and internet
know-how articles can be easily overwhelmed when it comes time to install or renew his security system.

Luckily, there is modern professional surveillance software that simplifies much of the decision making.
You don't necessarily have to get rid of a working analog closed circuit TV system in order to renew to a broadcasting
video that can be monitored from any online connected station or 3G phone. Video capture cards can digitally convert the
snapshots for webcast. Until yesterday, there had been no real attempts to standardize the new IP
cameras; every make and manufacturer functioned a tiny differently. And when you connect cameras into the
merge, using one application to control them all was heavy.

Professional security software

is now available that will work for any camera
or Internet webcam and for most capture cards as well. You can monitor whatever your motion
sensors are picking up at your room or business while you can be half a globe away.
The software itself may not be easy, but it can get life simpler for you.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Watch TV TV channels online anywhere

Watch television - Live IP televisionAccess to
4000 Online television stations from your PC.
No need of of a television hardware. Pure picture - no monthly fee needed.

Watch TV channels live anywhere. All you need is
our IP television software,
your PC, and Internet connection.

Watching internet TV is very convenient and affordable without all the wires and installation fees
it takes for regular cable or satellite TV services to be connected.
With online television, all you simply need is a PC and the internet, it's that easy.
Most services are available on the Web for free and almost all large broadcasting stations like Fox,
NBC, and ABC have web-sites where their channels can be viewed. There is no need to buy cable if you hardly ever
watch TV when everything is available on Internet, even live streaming of last news.

There are other Interenet pages that are created specifically to Internet
Television. Pages like our IP TV software
give you opportunity of watching anything you like.
Users can either search or look at the different genders of stations they offer.
For instance, if you're looking for episodes of The Cosby Show, then look under the Comedy section.

No reason to buy regular TV for big money when you can install TV
on your laptop? Online TV is the next new leap in Internet technology.
Simply put, Online television offers a customer a way
to playback his or her most viewed channels and films without clicking a button
on the television remote control.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Golfer's guide/Newbie's Golfer step by step Guide

FROM: Adam Tribano (Golf Course Owner and Golf Coach)
Professional Golfer and Golf Course Owner

As a golf course owner, I know what it takes to make a good game. I know what a good swing is, I know how to get rid of that annoying slice, and in general I know what it takes to get to into your A-game. Most times learning to golf well is simply about going back to the basics. Today I'm going to talk about some golf learning packages that can teach you how to do just that!

As a golf course owner, who also works as a personal coach, I sometimes laugh at the ideas people bring with them to improve their game. Everyday I hear someone talking about the latest eBook or video series that they've been using to improve their game, and then I laugh as they golf worse than they did last week.
The problem isn't that golf learning packages don't work. There are some good ones out there. The real problem is that some of them are poor, and finding the good ones can be difficult. With so many packages that say they can teach you how to golf the variance in quality with these products really does surprise me. With that, let's first talk about what a the latest golf tips package is and is not.

First, simply buying the latest digital package to learn how to improve your swing, is NOT the answer to your poor game. You still need to practice what program teaches and work to improve your swing.
Second, NOT everyone needs a golf learning package. If you've already been in the professional circuits, it isn't likely that they will help you much anyway. Most of the learning tools on the market are targeted at beginner to amateur golfers.  

Third, a golf learning package can be an excellent way to get a start in improving your game. There are tools to teach you a better swing, to get rid of that slice, and to improve your overall game. With the right  learning package you will end up with a better handicap, and a better score. 

Fourth, if you don't take the time to choose the right package you're more likely to ruin your game than better it. Some of the learning packages that are touted to be the best way to gain an better swing actually work to make your swing worse. Imagine developing a bad slice, all because you chose to learn from someone who didn't know what they were talking about!

To help my own customers (and you), I took the time to evaluate the top golf learning products on the market today. To evaluate each product I worked with some golfers who needed help with their game. We based the evaluations on the following criteria.
  • Better Golf - Obviously the main criteria for our evaluations was how well a learning package could improve a game.  
  • Focus of the Learning Package - The best packages focus on something specific that can help you improve your game. Higher ratings were given to those that gave more information on one area and then built on that information in other areas. 
  • Handicap/Averages - How much did the golf learning package work to improve the learner's game? We measured these with improvements to handicaps and average scores.
  • Ease of Learning - Was the material presented in a way that made it simple to learn and follow?
  • Value - Was the package worth the money we spent? This one was rated by the amount of content, and by how well the content actually taught what it was supposed to. 
  • Overall Rating - Based on everything else we gave each learning package an overall rating. 
To perform our evaluations I worked with some golfers who needed to improve their game. Each golfer was given a golf learning package and then sent off to practice with it. To ensure fair testing we actually had each package tested by three people. We then evaluated their progress once a week over the course of two months.

Below you will find the results from our evaluations for the top golf learning packages available today.

To Better Swings and more Fun on the Course,

Adam Tribano

for more info:  Expert Guides

or visit this @  Simple Golf Tips - Lengthen Your Drive and Shave 7 Strokes ...

The Best Weight Loss program ever/Health Factor / Safe

I have search for the best weigth loss program and finally i found it you can check this and find the answer for your problem!

FROM: Amber Friesen (Personal Trainer)
Works daily with women and men to help them lose weight

I am a personal trainer who works with both women and men to get them on-track to better health. I know what it takes to stay fit, and I know what it takes to lose weight. Many of my clients come to me with their ideas about the latest fad diet, and personally I am against most of them. There are diets that work, but choosing the wrong diet plan can actually work against you. 

As a personal trainer I am constantly inundated with questions about dieting and losing weight. When you begin to look at these topics, and specifically at dieting, one thing quickly comes to light. There are so many diet plans out there that wading through them all (and choosing one that works) can be extremely difficult. With that, let's first cover what a good diet plan is and what it is not.

First, a diet plan alone is NOT the only thing you need to stay in good health. It may be able to help you take some weight off, but you should add in a daily exercise plan to be sure you keep that weight off.
Second, NOT everyone needs a diet plan. For those who just need to shed a pound or two, exercise is the better way to take it off.

Third, a good diet plan IS an excellent way to lose weight. In fact, if you choose the right diet plan you can may be able to get the figure that you want in just a few months time. The best diet plans will help you to lose weight and stay healthy at the same time. The better plans will also teach you how to keep that weight off and not just lose a few pounds in the short term. 

Fourth, if you don't choose the right diet it could seriously affect your health. Too many of the latest fad diets are actually dangerous, and some of them are so dangerous that they may land you in a hospital. A good diet plan should never negatively affect your health.
To help you out, along with some people who needed to lose some weight (my clients), I took the time to evaluate the top diet plans on the market today. I based my evaluations on the following criteria.
  • Weight Loss - Obviously the main goal of any diet plan is to lose weight. 
  • Health Factor / Safety - Did the diet plan allow you to stay healthy while you worked to lose weight. Really, some fad diets are downright dangerous so safety is a concern when choosing a plan. 
  • Ease of Use (Simplicity) - Was it easy to learn how to cook foods for the diet plan? A good diet plan shouldn't require you to become a chef. 
  • Long Term Weight Loss - Did the program teach you how to keep the weight off in the longer term. 
  • Value for your Money - Programs that teach you how to lose weight cost money. Did the plan give enough content for the cost of the package itself?
  • Motivation Factor - A good program should motivate you to use it, and not just teach you how to cook for your new diet. 
  • Enjoyment Factor - Was the diet plan enjoyable? Most diets fail because everything they suggest for you to eat tastes like cardboard. Higher ratings were given to diet plans that suggested food is both tasty and healthy. 
  • Overall Rating - Based on all of the above, how well did the program rate?
To evaluate each diet plan we tested them over a six month period of time. Before anyone used them, I first evaluated the program for safety, and then with the programs deemed safe by me I had five of my clients use each diet plan. To ensure that the evaluations were fair 3 of those who tested each program had more than 100 pounds to lose and 2 had 50 pounds or less to take off. Each month our test subjects were weighed, and they shared their thoughts about their progress (and the diet plan) thus far.

Below you will find our ratings for the top five weight-loss programs on the market today. These five make up those that were safe, helped my clients to lose weight, and taught them to keep it off. The clear winner from the evaluations was Fat Loss 4 Idiots, but all of the diet plans in our top five helped those who used them to lose weight.

If you need any help choosing the diet plan that's right for you, please don't hesitate to email me (info@whudzexpertreview.com). I have no problem working with those who are trying to better their own health. Also, once you have started your diet plan, please do contact me and let me know. Let me know how your diet is going, and how you feel as you take the trip to becoming a slimmer you!

To Losing Weight and Looking Good,

Amber Friesen

for mor info:  Best Health and Slimming program

or you can visit this @  Fat Loss for Idiot

Save money/ Energy saver/Going green/Alternative Energy

Let us save the world lets go green!

FROM:Miller Britzke (Alternative Energy Engineer)
Helps Large Businesses to Convert To Green Power

I am an engineer who works with corporations to help them go green by converting to solar and wind energy. I know what it takes to create an alternative energy plan that works, and I know how to implement those plans. 

As an engineer who works in the realm of alternative energy, there is one thing that often surprises me.The range of quality of information on how to go green is simply astounding. At least once a week, someone will ask me how they can learn how to convert their home, and answering that question can be difficult.

Simply put, there are literally hundreds of products out there that teach you how to switch a home to solar or wind generated energy. When you look at these products though, only a few of them are worth anything. Converting a home using professionals is an expensive proposition. To compensate many are turning to do-it-yourself books and making the move to go green on their own. With the wide range of information available, let's first discuss what a go-green learning package is and is not.

First, a program that teaches you to convert your home is NOT the only thing you need. To make the actual conversion you'll still need to follow the guide to building solar panels or windmills or both.

Second, NOT every home is appropriate for green conversion. If you live in an condo for example you don't have the surface area for solar panels, or the land needed to setup a windmill. 

Third, a package that teaches you how to convert your home IS an excellent way to reduce and even get rid of that monthly power bill. In fact, if you do it right you'll likely generate more energy than you use, and the power company will have to pay you for the power you feed back into the grid. Best of all, if you choose the right methods to convert your home it can be done for very little cost to you.

Fourth, if you don't take the time to choose the right learning tools then you're just wasting your money. You even run the risk of creating problems for yourself when your real estate value drops due to the non-working solar panels that are covering the roof. Choosing the right tool to learn with is the most important step!

To help you choose a green power package that works, along with some friends, I have worked to evaluate the top five learning products on the market today. We based my evaluations on the following criteria.
  • Green Power - Obviously our main goal from any power generation project is to generate power. We tested how much power each solar panel and windmill could actually generate
  • Ease of Building - With a package that teaches how to convert a home, the material should be clearly laid out, and the components should be simple to build. 
  • Instructional Value - From the above criteria we gave higher ratings to those learning packages that taught us how to go green with ease. The best packages had everything clearly explained, drawn blueprints, and then further explained with how-to videos.
  • Cost Involved - The main reason people choose to convert their home themselves is to save money. We gave much higher ratings to the packages that taught us how to find parts for less. 
  • Availability of Parts - Some of the learning packages we tested recommended parts that weren't available. We gave higher marks to those that used parts that were available to anyone (such as at your local hardware store)
  • Time Involved - How long did it take to build each component. We found this had a lot to do with how well the material was explained, but some of the plans just weren't simple enough. 
  • Overall Rating - From the above factors we gave each package an overall rating.
To follow you will find our ratings for the top five products that can teach you how to go green. With each of our evaluations we did take the time to build each component that the book/video suggested, and in the process we converted a home.

I have many friends who have been bugging me to help them go green. Over a two month period of time (working on the weekends), that's exactly what I did. They paid for the parts and put in most of the work, I paid for the learning materials and helped them along the way.

The clear winner from our evaluations was Green Power Easy,  but the other four products that made the top five didn't fair too badly either.

To saving money and the environment,

Miller Britzke

for more info:  Green Power Easy

0r visit this @  Go Green

Water Fuel/Hydrogen/HHO Fuel

This is One of my top selling product that helped a lot of people world wide!

FROM:Jason Tyler (Auto Mechanic Team)
Gas Conversion (Hydrogen/HHO Fuel) Expert

As a certified mechanic, I know the ins and outs of cars. I also know how easy it is (or isn't) to perform certain conversions on cars, trucks, and big-rigs.
Ten years ago when I first started experimenting with the different technologies to achieve superior fuel economy, I just took it for granted that getting 50-80 miles per gallon (80 to 129 kilometers) was normal with the water/HHO system installed. Today, with the advent of people selling the do-it-yourself instructions to use water as a fuel supplement, I want to shed some light on what is and what is not possible.
First, it is NOT possible to drive completely with water (these vehicles are still in production and are very expensive). You will still need fuel. BUT, with the water being converted to hydrogen (also called oxyhdrogen, HHO or Brown's gas) and fed into the engine's air intake, your vehicle will get more miles per gallon (or kilometers per liter) of fuel and you save money on gas.
Second, it is NOT for everyone. If you do not spend more than $50 a month on gas, it really doesn't make sense.
Third, you may only get 50-60% increase in fuel efficiency and depending on your vehicle, engine size, your vehicle's increase in fuel efficiency will vary. Yet, with that said, we have had reports from USA and Canada of 113% to 279.3% increases in MPG. You still would have to buy gas each month, but your bill would likely be half to one third of what it is right now.
Fourth, in our tests of the some of the guides recommended by non-mechanics, some actually damaged the engine or destroyed certain critical engine components, which not only was expensive to fix, but VOIDED the vehicle warranty.
I and the other mechanics in our shop evaluated 19 different guides based on the following criteria:
  • Mechanically sound design that will withstand daily use of the vehicle.
  • An increased gas mileage and money savings.
  • Very inexpensive and easy for a beginner.
  • Clean emissions (which help protect the environment).
  • Produce the maximum amount of HHO (oxyhydrogen or "Brown's gas").
  • Work with 99% of new and used vehicles on the market today (including fuel/carb injection, petrol, gas, and hybrids).
  • Has successfully been used on vehicles around the world using petrol, diesel, or gasoline.
  • Faster vehicle acceleration.
  • Stronger torque or engine power.
  • Works in freezing temperatures.
  • Eliminates engine "nock" or "ping".
  • Does NOT damage the vehicle warranty.
  • Compatible with IRS requirements to REALLY get you tax rebates to pay for the conversion.
  • REALLY can be removed or installed in minutes from your car's engine compartment.
  • Eliminate carbon deposits from unused fuel.
  • You get rights to the system to build and distribute the kits for personal use or profit.
Below, I give you recommendations of the top conversion guides that my team has tested and that meet all of the criteria above.

Knowledge is power, and even if you are not an expert in cars, I believe you can do the conversion! And I congratulate you because each person who does this conversion is contributing to a cleaner environment.

To your saving money on gas,

Jason Tyler (and team)

for more info :  Water Fuel/HHO fuel

Or visit this product @   Expert advice on Water Fuel
thanks for reading,

elwood villas

Thursday, November 4, 2010

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