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Friday, November 5, 2010

Golfer's guide/Newbie's Golfer step by step Guide

FROM: Adam Tribano (Golf Course Owner and Golf Coach)
Professional Golfer and Golf Course Owner

As a golf course owner, I know what it takes to make a good game. I know what a good swing is, I know how to get rid of that annoying slice, and in general I know what it takes to get to into your A-game. Most times learning to golf well is simply about going back to the basics. Today I'm going to talk about some golf learning packages that can teach you how to do just that!

As a golf course owner, who also works as a personal coach, I sometimes laugh at the ideas people bring with them to improve their game. Everyday I hear someone talking about the latest eBook or video series that they've been using to improve their game, and then I laugh as they golf worse than they did last week.
The problem isn't that golf learning packages don't work. There are some good ones out there. The real problem is that some of them are poor, and finding the good ones can be difficult. With so many packages that say they can teach you how to golf the variance in quality with these products really does surprise me. With that, let's first talk about what a the latest golf tips package is and is not.

First, simply buying the latest digital package to learn how to improve your swing, is NOT the answer to your poor game. You still need to practice what program teaches and work to improve your swing.
Second, NOT everyone needs a golf learning package. If you've already been in the professional circuits, it isn't likely that they will help you much anyway. Most of the learning tools on the market are targeted at beginner to amateur golfers.  

Third, a golf learning package can be an excellent way to get a start in improving your game. There are tools to teach you a better swing, to get rid of that slice, and to improve your overall game. With the right  learning package you will end up with a better handicap, and a better score. 

Fourth, if you don't take the time to choose the right package you're more likely to ruin your game than better it. Some of the learning packages that are touted to be the best way to gain an better swing actually work to make your swing worse. Imagine developing a bad slice, all because you chose to learn from someone who didn't know what they were talking about!

To help my own customers (and you), I took the time to evaluate the top golf learning products on the market today. To evaluate each product I worked with some golfers who needed help with their game. We based the evaluations on the following criteria.
  • Better Golf - Obviously the main criteria for our evaluations was how well a learning package could improve a game.  
  • Focus of the Learning Package - The best packages focus on something specific that can help you improve your game. Higher ratings were given to those that gave more information on one area and then built on that information in other areas. 
  • Handicap/Averages - How much did the golf learning package work to improve the learner's game? We measured these with improvements to handicaps and average scores.
  • Ease of Learning - Was the material presented in a way that made it simple to learn and follow?
  • Value - Was the package worth the money we spent? This one was rated by the amount of content, and by how well the content actually taught what it was supposed to. 
  • Overall Rating - Based on everything else we gave each learning package an overall rating. 
To perform our evaluations I worked with some golfers who needed to improve their game. Each golfer was given a golf learning package and then sent off to practice with it. To ensure fair testing we actually had each package tested by three people. We then evaluated their progress once a week over the course of two months.

Below you will find the results from our evaluations for the top golf learning packages available today.

To Better Swings and more Fun on the Course,

Adam Tribano

for more info:  Expert Guides

or visit this @  Simple Golf Tips - Lengthen Your Drive and Shave 7 Strokes ...

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